Information on the trade fair from A to Z
All important information at a glance
Access cards
Depending on the size of the booked stand exhibitors receive an adequate number of unlimited access cards (with 3 access permits each) free of charge for the personnel on the stand. Additionally required access cards have to be ordered. The access cards will be validated.
- Example A: 3 people who will man the exhibition stand enter the exhibition grounds with 1 access card. The access card will be validated 3 times, e.g., for three people, and cannot be used again for further access.
- Example B: 1 person who will man the exhibition stand enters the exhibition grounds with 1 access card. The card will be validated once. Therefore, the card can be used for access on the other two event days.
- (Please note: In the event of two-day or 4-day events the access cards can be validated 2 or 4 times.)
If you leave the exhibition grounds during the exhibition, you receive a special card for taking a break in exchange for the access card.
The access cards are available in the fair office during the two days of stand set-up, or they can be sent to you in advance by registered letter for a fee of 4.50 € plus VAT (postage and handling; the price applies for European countries only). The cards will not be sent or issued until all outstanding invoices are paid.
- Zugangs- und Parkkarten für AusstellerBestellung-Zugangs-Parkkarten-Aussteller-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
- Zugangs- und Parkkarten für MitausstellerBestellung-Zugangs-Parkkarten-Mitaussteller-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
Access on the first day of the fair
For the stand set-up – on the morning of the first event day - you need access cards and parking permits. They are available in the fair office during the two days of stand set-up, or they can be sent to you in advance on request.
In case you have not received the tickets until stand set-up you are also able to load and unload for a maximum of 2 hours for a deposit of € 50/car.
- Zugangs- und Parkkarten für AusstellerBestellung-Zugangs-Parkkarten-Aussteller-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
- Zugangs- und Parkkarten für MitausstellerBestellung-Zugangs-Parkkarten-Mitaussteller-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
Accommodation / hotel service
The organizer ORTEC Messe und Kongress GmbH has several partner hotels where exhibitors can book a room at a special fair price.
Please ask at your desired hotel and submit the corresponding code word or ORTEC.
Please note:
You should register at the fair office before the stand set-up.
Please take in consideration that your stand will not be handed over to you until all outstanding invoices are paid.
Additionally represented companies
Additionally represented companies are represented by their products or services only but not by their own staff on the stand of the main exhibitor.
In addition to your trade fair stand there are further possibilities to draw the attention of the visitors to your company, e.g. you can place an advertisement in the trade fair catalogue or a banner on the event’s website.
Furthermore you have the chance to provide additional online information about your company or your stand campaigns in the "Press box for exhibitors".
Also make use of the provided stickers and invitation cards labelled with your company name and your stand number in order to invite your customers and business partners to the trade fair.
Furthermore, there is the possibility of sponsorship. For example:
- sponsoring print documents
- sponsoring programme
For this we offer you to have your logo printed on the invitation cards, on other print documents or on advertising material (e.g. trade fair carrier bags) or on advertising space in lecture rooms. Also other ways of sponsorships are possible. Please contact us.
Our advertising agency will be glad to support you with the design of your advertising material. Here you get an overview of the services.
You also have the possibility to order the distribution of advertising material in all halls, e.g. outside your stand area.
- Werbung, Werbemöglichkeiten und -materialienBestellung-Werbung-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
- Bewachung / ReinigungBestellung-Bewachung-Reinigung-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
- Katalog Messebau - Mobiliar, Technik und Zubehör im VerleihMessebau-Katalog-Preise.pdf
In the catalogue all main exhibitors, co-exhibitors* and additionally represented companies** are listed alphabetically with address, telephone and fax number as well as e-mail and web address. In addition, main exhibitors and co-exhibitors are able to introduce their companies in a self-portrayal. In the index of products, which is based on the nomenclature of the event, main exhibitors and co-exhibitors are listed under the selected key words. This listing allows the reader a search by topics. The index of brands can be found at the end of the catalogue.
The catalogue entry (consisting of an entry in the alphabetical index of exhibitors and 3 entries in the index of products) is included in the service charge. In addition to that you can also place an advertisement in the fair catalogue.
* Co-exhibitors are companies that have their own staff represented on the stand of the main exhibitor. They are treated like main exhibitors. Orders are generally billed to the main exhibitor.
** Additionally represented companies are represented by their products or services only but not by their own staff on the stand of the main exhibitor.
- NomenklaturNomenklatur-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
The fair bistro on the exhibition grounds offers a comprehensive service. Here you can order food and drinks as well as relevant equipment for your stand, your presentation or your press conference.
- cateringcatering-MESSE-DRESDEN.pdf
Co-exhibitors are companies that have their own staff represented on the stand of the main exhibitor. They are treated like main exhibitors. Orders are generally billed to the main exhibitor.
geteilte Stände, Mitaussteller & zusätzlich vertretene Unternehmen
- Anmeldung Mitaussteller / vertretene UnternehmenAnmeldung-Mitaussteller-vertretene-Unternehmen-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
- Zugangs- und Parkkarten für MitausstellerBestellung-Zugangs-Parkkarten-Mitaussteller-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
Delivery of material to the exhibition grounds
The delivery of exhibition material to the exhibition grounds is possible from October 4, 2016 only (first day of set-up).
Delivery address:
Name of event
Name of exhibitor:
Hall: Stand number:
Messering 6
01067 Dresden
Please do not send your packages etc. to our office address since we do not have any possibilities to store your material or to transport it to the exhibition grounds.
All information on how to get to the place of venue you can find here:
The exhibition stands must be dismantled within the specified dismantling times:
Dismantling times:
October 8, 2016, from 5.30 p.m. to 10 p.m. for all exhibitors
October 9, 2016, from 8 a.m. to noon for exhibitors with own stand system
Non-compliance with the dismantling times based on compelling reasons require the written approval of the fair management.
Floor coverings/ tape
For the fixing of floor coverings (carpet etc.) please use residue-free removable tape only. In the event of adhesive residues the additional cleaning costs will be invoiced to the exhibitor.
The following tapes are suitable for the floor coverings:
- Gerband 956 – tissue adhesive tape for stand construction
- „3m“ (No. 9195)
- „Tesa“ (Tesafix no.51960)
- further fair trade carpet tapes can be found under
Suitable tapes can also be purchased on site.
Garbage and cleaning
On the exhibition grounds close to the halls garbage collection containers are available. After the closing time of the fair you can also put your garbage of the day in front of your stand in the hallway. A cleaning company will pick it up and properly dispose it.
In order to present a clean stand to your visitors every day a professional cleaning can be ordered from the fair organizer.
- Bewachung / ReinigungBestellung-Bewachung-Reinigung-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
The organizer is responsible for the general guarding of the exhibition grounds and the halls. We herewith refer to our General Terms of Contract for Exhibitions of ORTEC Messe und Kongress GmbH, section 17.
In addition to an exhibitor insurance we recommend an individual guarding of your stand during night time if you have particularly valuable exhibits. We offer personnel of a reliable guarding company who is familiar with the local conditions.
- AusstellungsversicherungAusstellungsversicherung-ORTEC.pdf
- Bewachung / ReinigungBestellung-Bewachung-Reinigung-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
Internet access
Several communication access ports are possible at the MESSE DRESDEN:
- ISDN connection for PC
- Ethernet for wired Internet access on your exhibition area with a fix IP address for connecting to the company server of the organizer or exhibitor. The IP address will be given to you right before the beginning of the event. Programming of the customers’ computers by staff of the MESSE DRESDEN is generally not possible.
- Ethernet connection for Internet access, unencrypted, automatic detection of IP adresses
- WLAN, unencrypted HotSpot unlimited with password and user name
- WLAN HotSpot unencrypted, limited up to 1 hour, 2 hours or 4 hours, with password and user name
The price for Ethernet and WLAN connections, except for HotSpots with time limit, differ depending on the days of use and the number of connected PCs. WLAN connections allow the use of one PC per connection only.
Please note that the MESSE DRESDEN only makes sure that there is a connection at the connection socket. Programming of end devices by staff of the MESSE DRESDEN is generally not possible.
- Technische AnschlüsseBestellung-Technische-Anschluesse-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
In order to protect your exhibits against damage or loss during the fair you need to have an exhibition insurance.
We recommend an exhibition insurance of the ERGO Versicherungs AG. In this case all objects (exhibits, furniture, technology, stand systems) are protected against loss, damage or theft during your trip to the fair, the time spent on the fair and your trip back to your company if properly and completely specified in the insurance application.
- AusstellungsversicherungAusstellungsversicherung-ORTEC.pdf
Invitation cards
Included in the service package we send you invitation cards with your address and your stand number printed on them to invite your customers and business partners. The invitation cards entitle to a one-time free admission. You will be charged for the redeemed cards at a discounted price after the event. The rates are given in the application form. On request, for your trade fair post processing, you are able to receive an overview of your customers and business partners who actually used the invitation cards.
Please note: The invitation cards entitle the holders to enter the venue during the official opening hours only.
As an exhibitor you have the possibility to have a Text (maximum 250 words) or your company logo printed on your invitation cards. Examples for such imprints are the presentation of certain campaigns of your company, the introduction of a new product or a hint for your visitors of where your stand is located.
- Werbung, Werbemöglichkeiten und -materialienBestellung-Werbung-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
Loading and unloading
For loading and unloading as well as for the stand set-up and dismantling forklifts and lifting ramps are available for rent. Please specify your desired time on your order form so that we can schedule in an optimum manner.
Parking and parking permits
There are long-term parking spaces for exhibitors available on the parking area P1/P2 (outside the exhibition grounds).
During the trade fair there is no parking space for trucks, trailers and containers available on the exhibition grounds. Unauthorized parked trucks, trailers and containers will be removed at the expense of the owner. If you are in need of a truck parking space during the fair, please contact the external operator of the truck parking space at “Alberthafen” (near to the exhibition grounds), Mr Steffen Binder on +49 351 4982257.
- Zugangs- und Parkkarten für AusstellerBestellung-Zugangs-Parkkarten-Aussteller-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
- Zugangs- und Parkkarten für MitausstellerBestellung-Zugangs-Parkkarten-Mitaussteller-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
For decorating your exhibition stand you can order plants and flower arrangements. They will be delivered to your stand one day before the beginning of the fair.
For the set-up and dismantling of your stand you have the possibility to book personnel. We also provide personnel for the distribution of your advertising material and promotional purposes as well as to support your fair staff.
- Bewachung / ReinigungBestellung-Bewachung-Reinigung-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
Exhibitors have the possibility to be an active part of the programme which will be held alongside to the exhibition. The organizer decides about the admission of presentations and their timing according to content-based and time-based requirements.
Individual wishes cannot always be taken in consideration. No rights arise from registering a presentation.
The participation in the programme is included in the service charge or the fee for co-exhibitors; registration must be effected by the date stated in the registration form.
The presentations will be published as follows:
- Title of the presentation
(Title) first name last name, function, institution, place
The lecture rooms are generally equipped with a laptop, a projector, a screen and a microphone.
The programme will be printed in large quantities and distributed to its designed targets. Furthermore, it will be published on the event’s website as well as in the daily press.
- Anmeldung VortragAnmeldung-Vortrag-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
The stand has to be set up within the specified set-up times:
Set-up times:
- October 4, 2016, from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. for exhibitors with own stand system
- October 5, 2016, from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. for exhibitors with own stand system, and exhibitors with stand space in the outside area
- October 5, 2016, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. for exhibitors with stand system provided by organizer
The exhibitor is obliged to complete the set-up of his stand within the specified times. Non-compliance with the times based on compelling reasons require the written approval of the fair management.
Stand construction and furniture for rent
We are glad to support you during the planning and implementation of your stand. In addition to several stand systems we also offer a wide range of individual stand designs with rented furniture, additional equipment and decoration. Please contact us for individual consulting.
- Standbau und BeklebungBestellung-Standbau-Beklebung-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
- StandbauINFOStandbauINFO.pdf
- Standbau-Details - Basisstand StandardBasisstand-OCTA_Standard.pdf
- Standbau-Details - Basisstand OCTA KompaktBasisstand-OCTA_Kompakt.pdf
- Katalog Messebau - Mobiliar, Technik und Zubehör im VerleihMessebau-Katalog-Preise.pdf
Storage of empties
You have the possibility to store empties during the trade fair. Please use the order form to receive this service.
Technical connections
To order power, water, sewage and compressed air connections please use the given order form.
When using LPG or other flammable gases in pneumatic cylinders for the presentation of exhibits you need to obtain a written approval in time. According to relevant accident prevention regulations pressure gas bottles need to be protected from impacts, falling, warming and unauthorized access. Those bottles must have a current safety certificate or a current safety seal of approval.
- Technische AnschlüsseBestellung-Technische-Anschluesse-DD-FLORIAN-2024.pdf
Visual and sound recordings
The organizer reserves the right to take photos, videos, sound recordings and others during the fair for reporting and publications.
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